Warehouse photo with sprawling shelves

New Fulfillment Center Design

Our client needed a world-class, automated, 1 million square-foot fulfillment center to meet logistics and parking needs for 200+ loading docks and 800+ employees.

New Fulfillment Center Design

This new fulfillment center project, where BSI Engineering helped to design and construct a state-of-the-art facility with automated retrieval systems showcases the ways we can meet the needs of the e-commerce industry.

Warehouse rendering

Best-in-Class, Automated Fulfillment Center Design

  • The client was seeking to create a “best-in-class” fulfillment center design to be utilized for all future building construction projects.
  • The building is a 1MM square foot facility with space for storage and racking. Additional space (25k sq. ft.) for offices / employee welfare and areas for shipping and receiving were also included.
  • The facility has varied rack layouts for products and will include automated retrieval systems as required by the owner.
  • Building required 200+ dock doors for shipping and receiving and parking for 800 or more vehicles for the 800-1000 employees.
  • BSI worked with the stakeholders to help plan and design the new fulfillment center. The client intends to use the created set of construction documents as a basis to be modified as future sites need.
  • BSI was responsible for all discipline design for the building areas (A/S/MEP) as well as providing consultation for the rack layouts with respect to vehicle/pedestrian interaction and safety design.

Ready to Expand Your Distribution Center?

BSI Engineering’s varied teams help you create and build a fulfillment center that meets your expanding
e-commerce or distribution needs. Contact BSI or call (513) 201-3100
for more information

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