Annual Donation

The bottom picture is from 10 years ago, back when we were very excited to be able to donate $10,000 to pancreatic cancer research. The top picture is from this past weekend where we are thrilled to make our annual donation of $200,000 to the University of Cincinnati Foundation to further pancreatic cancer research. We’ve grown exponentially in size and impact, but know that there is a long way to go with this incessant disease.

BSI stands for Bryan Speicher Inspired (who passed away of pancreatic cancer in 2003), and his memory and legacy drives us daily to be better people and make a positive impact whenever possible. This year that drive is felt even more since another of our beloved employees has been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. We always make annual donations to this cause, but are feeling the depth even more this year. For all those that we have lost, for those currently in the fight, and for everyone making an impact this is for you. #BSIgives